Céad míle fáilte to my homepage! My name is Hopla Fantastic Girl,
better known as Caoimhe,
pronounced KEE-va.
My Irish name means “gentle", "beautiful" or
"precious”. My breed – Irish Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier – used to be a farm dog
in Ireland, a jack of all trades, who minded the children and animals, kept
vermin away and poached for the Sunday roast. Today we are show dogs who don’t
mind a bit when we get filthy on our adventures.
I now live in
Bassum-Bramstedt, Germany.
I came here
to fill the holes left in the hearts of my new parents by my predecessor
Róisín, who suddenly departed from this world with kidney failure last July.
They say I am doing a fine job of it, though the task was daunting.
Follow my
adventures in the coming chapters. You can communicate with me via Roisin1010@gmx.de
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