Chapter 3 
(March 2022):

I 'm a Big Girl Now!


I’m going to puppy school and everybody says I’m doing fine. Mummy works with me at home and in the fields and the trainer says that’s noticeable. I walk nicely on the leash on my sports ground route, have a tremendous recall off-leash in the fields and can do a pretty good sit/stay. Lie/stay is harder. I will walk over any surface and sit or lie on it on command. After Easter we will start beginners’ Rally Obedience. 

I ride perfectly quietly in the car and Daddy recently asked if they had forgotten to put me in. My crate upstairs is my bed, where I am glad to go to bed at midnight and sleep until seven or eight o’clock and meanwhile stay without protest if they have to lock me up to leave the house. Mostly I have my babysitters next door. For our afternoon naptime, I slide under Mummy’s bed until she calls me for my walk in the fields. What I don’t like is brushing and combing.

 Mummy announced me on her Facebook homepage and a breeder she knew by name only responded, “You live in Bassum, too?” The next weekend Daniela came and with permission from my breeder, with whom she is friends, gave me my first haircut, making me a teenager. Next Saturday she will take me in the ring and show me, so I need a professional cut and some ring training. I’ll get to see my brother Batman there, too, as my original mom (the breeder) kept him and will be showing him there. Competition! 

Two weeks ago Mummy was carrying me down the stairs, when she slipped and went down the rest of the way head first on her back, hitting the edge of each step and tearing out the baby gate at the bottom. I was shocked at being dropped, but not hurt. Mummy is still walking like a zombie and avoiding bending where possible. When Daddy or my babysitters are around, they carry me up and down for her. It’s putting a damper on my playing and practicing.

A few days ago Daddy suggested taking me to the beach to enjoy the sunny, cool weather.Wow! Lots of doggies to play with!                                                      

Seaweed is fun to shake and kill.

On the way home we stopped for fish at a snack bar with outdoor tables and I sat quietlyat their feet, just like I did the evening before in a nice restaurant. The staff were surprised that a 4-month-old could behave so nicely. It makes my parents proud.


 I’m still finding parts of Harry, sometimes only an inch and sometimes half a leg. Mummy forgot to take photos before she tossed them over the fence. How am I supposed to get a championship in nosework without evidence?



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