Chapter 4 
(April 2022):

They Take me to a Beauty Show!


They keep thinking up new things for me to do: Strange car, strange crate, strange Wheaten next to me. Two hours’ drive. Hall full of strange dogs, many barking. Strange grooming table.

Daniela took me from Mummy and led me into the ring on a fairly strange leash.

There was a lady who wanted to judge my beauty. She got down low to do that and I threw myself into her arms and kissed her up and down.

Everybody laughed. Except Mummy. But she taught me not to jump up on people who are standing and this lady got down to my level. I wiggled and twisted and embarrassed Mummy. She kept saying, "But you know how to heel and hold still!"

The judge said I have a lovely head. Didn’t I know that? She wrote: "5 months. Would like to play. Correct proportions. Pretty baby head. Very good angles front and back. Well-placed tail. The calmness will come." and gave me "VV" - "Very promising", the best a puppy can get.

Karamelka, the other Wheaten from our car, was nice to me but not terribly interested. She’s used to this game and got V1 (excellent, first place) in the female veteran class. My breeder Annette, who had also shown up (all the way from Denmark!) took a number of first places and my brother Batman got VV, too. But he didn’t kiss the judge.

Karamelka on the table with Daniela

Batman and Annette

Annette and Daniela with their dogs

When we got home, I was hungry and gobbled down mybreakfast, which I had ignored all day. Now we’re back to practicing right and left around cones, sit/stay, lie/stay, up/stay and heel.


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