Chapter 7
(October 2022):

In and Out of the Dog House


Daddy’s son Leif turned 50 and had a party at a sports club in Hannover. Of course I went along because I would be the life ofthe party. Grandson Colja (16) would be VERY disappointed if they didn’t take me.

I kissed and kissed him and washed his face so fanatically that sometimes he had to grab a breath of air! The girls present also enjoyed me and made sure I didn’t get to the buffet. Pity!

The next morning Mummy had to get up early to set up the service at church. She let me out to do my business and when I didn’t come back, she went looking for me. The gate was open and I was nowhere to be seen. I didn’t have a collar on and Mummy was in her pyjamas. She grabbed a collar and a jacket and took off through the neighbors’ yards, beginning with the one where I had seen a rabbit in a hutch. No Caoimhe. My favorite neighbors next door. No Caoimhe. Finally, when she had been all round our circular street, she saw me at the back end of an empty lot that  borders on my yard. Oops! She saw me, so I ducked away. But she knew where I was. I have to get better at this. So I zapped past her and through two more yards before I came to a dead end and she caught me. What a pity; I was in the dog house. Mummy had just enough time to get to church.

I love to run. Now that the fields have been harvested, I can’t do any harm, so I tear around in the fields on our daily 90-minute walks, making myself filthy for the shower. When Mummy sees deer, she puts me on the leash and I have never seen one. But last week while chasing some birds, I saw my first rabbit. And the race was on! I kept up pretty well for two fields, but then it disappeared in the asparagus. I did a third field just in case but gave up and returned to Mummy. Meanwhile the asparagus has been cut down and I’ll have a better chance next time.

Last Sunday church was at a retreat, so they took me along. It was cool enough for me to stay in the car during the service and then Daddy took me in to say hello. On the way home we had dinner in a restaurant in Dötlingen, where Daddy had been on class trips as a student and a teacher decades ago, followed by a lovely walk through the woods and some dashing up and down the bank like agility and into the river. I was a mess again.

In our agility training I missed 4 weeks when Mummy was in the hospital and two for the beach in France. Trainer Annika just adapts my assignments to match my development. We’re different from the other teams anyway, because Mummy can’t run and I have to do all the work alone while she calls out the next obstacle and trots around a little. Last week Annika moved the bar up a little and let me jump over the hurdles. After all, I’ll be a year old in 2 weeks and my growth plates closed. She let me go over the dog walk and I love it! Finally I can look down on Mummy! Annika said we’d try a curved tunnel for the first time, which means darkness in the middle. No problem for me; I know what to do in a tunnel with my eyes closed. My descent from the dog walk needs more practice; when Mummy doesn’t go all the way with me, I hesitate to do my 2 on 2 off ending.

 In Rally Obedience training we won the summer season challenge cup, “Mops Cup”, for beginners. As Mummy and Róisín were the last to win the Grinsekopp and there is no advanced group this year, we still have the Grinsekopp and this house is becoming a museum with two big Rally trophies, 17 agility trophies and Róisín’s junior champion show trophy.

 Mummy is working with me for the dreaded Begleithundeprüfung, which we have to pass to be allowed to take part in agility trials if we ever get that far. Why not? One of the hardest parts is a 10-minute lie/stay with Mummy 40 steps away and her back turned to me while another team does the exercises near me. She started with 1 step and 2 seconds months ago when I first moved in and learned “lie”. Today I made her happy with 40 steps and 5 minutes 5 seconds with her standing at 45°. Don’t tell her I would have stayed longer; she didn’t want to risk failure if I got bored and stood up. The 10 minutes will be sure by next August but with Mummy’s back to me and another dog in sight? So my best friend Black Russian Terrier Mr. Schubert “Schubi” and I are practicing lying next to each other while his dad and my mummy walk 15 steps and wait a few seconds, to be increased in small increments. Then one will have to lie alone while the other does the exercises and vice versa. Boring! At least we get treats for good behavior while in the practice stage. In the exam not. L


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